lazy? I think not.

This season is supposedly slower.  Lazy. 

Remember that?

Sipping tea on the front porch, playing with lightening bugs and hollering to your neighbors across the way.


Not happenin any more.

My boys just got back from scout camp today.  They’ve been gone since Wednesday afternoon.  Dad went with them because that’s what scout dads do.  He’s also a leader, and they like to see them at camp too. 

It was, from what I can gather, incredibly fun, despite the near record breaking heat (105 one of the days).  #4 had a blast, made a ton of friends with the staff .  One friend in particular was quite a score for him.  This staffer evidently taught the “outdoor cooking” class and was quite impressed with my son.  SO, every afternoon at 4 pm, when the rest of the kids not in this class were sweating or swimming or shooting or something else along those lines, my smart little man was making a great snack.  He made banana boats, pizza, quesadilla, and one more thing I can’t bring to mind right now.  Seriously, I knew the kid was brilliant, at six he knew who to make friends with!  Definitely ruled by his stomach!

#3 had a ball too, did wonderfully on his shooting, getting 48 out of 50 the first try.  He got to do so much and really enjoyed hanging out with his friends.  He seemed to have a blast.  When asked what his least favorite thing was about camp he was clear with his response of “absolutely nothing!” 

I am so glad they get to go to these things.  There is so much they get out of these summer camps that I didn’t get to experience as a child.  (Mom just doesn’t understand the need for summer camp) 

 I just need to figure out how to schedule it so everyone is out at once!  Then maybe I’d get to pack in more “lazy days” of summer and less “crazy days”

one thing

I love the sound of the slap of baby feet on a tile floor. 

You know he’s coming when you hear those steps come from carpet, across the tiled entry way.  He’s determined to  reach whatever destination he has his sights set on.  Nothing will get in his way.  If you look up you’ll notice that in addition to the sweet little slap slap slap of chubby baby feet, he’s also got his back straight, head up and arms straight and thrust backward, as if he’s ready to fly at any moment.   Often his most determined destination is mommy’s arms for a quick hug and kiss, then off again to conquer the world.

Motherhood is awesome.


My beautiful oldest daughter is gone. 

Well, sort of.

Until Friday.

She’s at Scout camp this week, surely having a ball, making tons of new friends and doing cool things that she’ll want to somehow continue once she gets home. 

I knew I’d miss her.  Her sweet voice and cheerful countenance.  Her incredible willingness to jump in and help, even if she’s in the middle of something.

I just didn’t know it would be this much.  It feels like the whole family is out of sync.  I knew that I depended on her, too much sometimes, but I just didn’t realize HOW much until she’s not here.  And not just for the obvious “could you watch the younger ones while I run to the store” dependence, but the “hey, what would you like for dinner?” or “the boys are really driving me crazy right now”  kind of dependence.  I had this daughter of mine when I was just a girl myself and as she’s grown into the beautiful young woman she is I find myself thinking of her more and more as a friend.  We nearly grew up together, she and I, and I’ve not been a perfect mother.  I’ve apologized to her before about having to have been the first born.  I also thanked her for taking the role on with such grace.

In a few weeks my daughter #2 will be gone for a week at camp too.  I know I’ll miss her terribly.  I just don’t think I was ready for these children to grow up.  I know it’s happening, I’ve known that all along.  However, more and more I’m finding myself saying “but, but, wait… you can’t have already grown so much.  I wanted to do this and this and this with you.  I wanted to sew and sing and play and dance and dress up and play dolls and.. and… and…. and…..” I’m not ready for this.  Not ready for my little girls to be going off to camp.  Not ready for them to be in high school. 

Who said they could grow up?  Who gave time permission to take my babies and turn them into young ladies before I was ready?  When did this happen? 

I think it’s time to start taking some “girl time” just the three of us.  Before they grow up past wanting to be with me.  Time to snuggle and watch a musical (King and I anyone?) Maybe plan a manicure day or lunch out with just us.  I don’t know.  But my soul is urging me to take hold to something, anything, before they’ve grown completely and I feel as if I’ve missed it all, even while I was watching.

I’ve been so incredibly blessed with my girls.  I praise God everyday for allowing me to be their mom. 

It’s time I let them know that more often as well.

Before they’ve gone.

Well, just read my last post.  OOPS.  Sorry for not updating.

Amy did in fact have her baby.  An absolutely beautiful baby girl!

My weight loss is coming along quite nicely.  I’ve lost 8lbs so far (not counting this week) and my clothes are starting to fall off!  I’m not really wanting to go shopping, it seems like such a waste since I’ll be losing more weight and not fitting into them shortly.  I do, however, have to wear something.  We’ll see.  I guess if it gets to the point that they are actually falling off I’ll have to buy more or risk being terribly immodest.  Not something a mother of 6 could even begin to get away with, on any level. 

More to write about soon, I promise.  Right now I have to help determine noun types and chase babies and feed the world (or so it seems with the neighbor kids on summer break).